Monday, March 29, 2021

Cartooon Ship Struck in Suez Canal

 A ship has got struck in Suez canal in a way that it has obstructed the passage of dozens of other ships, causing a loss of millions of dollars to Egypt, which operates and administers the canal. Similarly Corona virus has got struck in India with its resurgence resulting in an alarming increase in the number of cases and with adverse effect on economy. The vaccination drive, currently running at a slow pace, is the only  hope to get out of this hopeless situation. A take at the same.

Cartoon -  ship struck in Suez Canal

Click here to visit the library of my twenty five cartoons


  1. Fabulous comparison of the 2 situations!

  2. Brilliant Sir,this also means that the vaccine should be given per rectally for better results 😊


Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...