Saturday, December 19, 2020

25 Cartoon Creations in one go

 Ever since I started cartooning I have been trying to cover different topics of varying tastes to make a commentary in a subtle but funny way. I may or may not have succeeded in my endeavour. This is for all of you to judge but at least my effort has  been genuine. God willing and time permitting, I will continue to explore new ideas with their witty execution.

 Significantly, in this period I have graduated from black and white to colored cartoons.

This one is my first Color Cartoon.

Following is a collection of my last twenty five cartoon creations in chronological order:

(1) 07/09/2020

(2) 11/09/2020

(3) 16/09/2020

(4) 18/09/2020

(5) 21/09/2020

(6) 21/09/2020

(7) 23/09/2020

(8) 28/09/2020

(9) 28/09/2020

(10) 30/09/2020

(11) 04/10/2020

(12) 13/10/2020

(13) 16/10/2020

(14) 17/10/2020

(15) 23/10/2020

(16) 25/10/2020

                                             (17) 27/10/2020
                                            (18) 30/10/2020

(19) 01/11/2020

(20) 02/11/2020

(21) 04/11/2020

(22) 08/11/2020

(23) 28/11/2020

(24) 10/12/2020

(25) 15/12/2020

I have already published my library of first fifty cartoons creations in this blog itself on 05/09/2020. 


  1. It's a real visual treat to glimpse your recent cartoon designs in one fling.You have an outstanding, in-depth analytic and satirical approach while producing this art image stint.


Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...