About us

 I am Dr Praveen Bhatia, a Radiologist by profession.

I have created this site to fulfill my passions of travelling and cartooning. The travel content will be based on my personal experiences about travelling to different parts of the world and sharing the same knowledge with the visitors of the blog.  Also I will be giving detailed information about the sites visited and their special characteristics if any.

The second aspect of this blog is cartooning. I create cartoons which are usually funny, but sometimes sombre. The cartoons are a commentary on the present situations in the society with often subtle messages. The cartoons will usually bring smile on your face.

The visitors of this blog will be benefited by my experiences and will get first hand information about the travel sites, often with a flavour of cartooning.

I am also fond of music especilly the Hindi film music of 1955 - 1970 era and am a die hard fan of Mohammed Rafi. One can visit my other blog at Praveenbhatia55@blogspot.com to enjoy the music of that golden era, especially by Mohammed Rafi.

So Travel, Cartooning and Hindi film music of 1955-1970 will be what I will be entering your lives with.  Join the journey and Enjoy.

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Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...