Friday, March 19, 2021

Cartoon Kidology With Shanaya - Snoring

 Snoring is often associated with deep sleep, but it can be agonising for others who are about to go to sleep. Kids find it funny. Snoring may be seen in kids also, although it is the adult population, which has the dominant share of snore kingdom. A take at the same.

Click here to visit the library of my twenty five cartoons


  1. Chandra Kant RahejaMarch 20, 2021 at 3:05 AM

    generally snoring is associated with deep sleep but I have personally experienced that when taking an afternoon power nap I am woken up by the sound of my own snoring..Does it happen with others also or I am a strange creation of god

  2. A man snores in the night because he is not allowed to speak in the day.Why do females snore....No idea Sir😊


Fifty Cartoon Creations

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