Saturday, December 26, 2020

Rome, the eternal city - part III - Piazzas and more, Italy

       " My favourite thing is to go where I've never been"


Any discussion about Rome is incomplete without talking about its Piazzas.

Rome is home to a number of lively squares or piazzas as they call them. There is almost a piaza at every corner but a few piazzas are definitely a cut above others in terms of architecture, aesthetics and atmosphere. The best piazzas are

[1] Piazza Navona : It is Baroque square on the remains of what once was a stadium. It is considered one of the most beautiful squares, having three fountains, one of which is considered to be Bernini's greates work - La Fontana Dei Fuimi. Alongside there is an Egyptian obelisk. The piazza is quite long in comparison to other squares. A church is located at the edge of the centre of the square. Various artists can be seen sitting in the middle making quick sketches of tourists at a nominal cost.

Piazza Navona, Rome, Italy
                                                                   Piazza Navona

[2] Piazza del Campidoglio :

This piazza is on top of a hill, approached by a grandiose staircase. Designed by Michelangelo the geometric shaped piazza is dominated by a replica of a bronze equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, now found inside the museum. On each side of the statue are the Capitoline museums. Head to the rear of piazza for a panoramic view of the Roman forum and Colosseum.

Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, Italy
                                                        Piazza del Campidoglio

[3] Piazza del Popolo :

One of the largest squares in Rome, the oval Piazza del Popolo is almost perfectly symmetrical. It is monumental, without  being intimidating. An imposing Egyptian Obelisk is at the center with twin churches on southern edge and fountains on either side. The size of the piazza makes it a frequent location for concerts and events in summers.

Other Piazzas : Three other piazzas we could cover were the Piazza Venezia (Near Victor Emmanuel Monument], Piazza di spagna (Near Spanish Steps) and Piazza della rotonda (Near Pantheon).

It is a triumphal column located near Piazza Venezia and was
erected to commemorate the victory of Roman emperor Trajan in the
Dacian wars.


Trajan's column, Rome, Italy
                                                                Trajan's column

It is usually known as Castel Sant'Angelo. It is a towering cylindrical building, that was initially commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family. The building was later used by popes as a fortress and castle and is now a museum.


Cartoon piazzas of Rome

Click here to visit the library of my first fifty cartoons

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