Monday, August 9, 2021

Cartoon Neeraj Chopra & Abhinav bindra


Neeraj Chopra has won the Olympic Gold at Tokyo in Javelin Throw, thus becoming only the second individual Indian Gold medalist, after ace shooter Abhinav Bindra won it in 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China. It has been a long wait of 13 years, but sadly archer Deepika Kumari could not perform upto her potential. She has to train harder to get the gold at the next Olympics in Paris. If this happens it will complete the fighting Triumvarate. A take at the same.

Cartoon Neeraj Chopra & Abhinav Bindra

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  1. Kudos to Abhinav & Neeraj..
    Individual Olympic Gold Medallist..
    Praveen, ur brain is getting sharper by the day...


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