Saturday, February 20, 2021

Cartoon Petrol Price

Petrol price in India touches an all time high of Rs 100/L in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan. The price of petrol is hurting people across all classes. People are feeling scalded by the effect of this price hike. A take at the same.

Cartoon Petrol Price

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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Cartoon Petrol Price Rs 100/L

For the first time in India Petrol price in India has touched Rs.100 per litre in Sri Ganganagar, Rajasthan. Bata shoe company was the first company to price its products in such a way that they were just a fraction below the next higher rounded figure, just to make it look attractive to the customers. A take at the same.

Cartoon Bata Fuel Co.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cartoon "toolkit" case

 In the ongoing Greta Thunberg "Toolkit" case, activist Disha Ravi has been arrested. The word "Toolkit" in the normal parlance means the one that is placed in the car boot for emergency car repairs or change of wheels. A take at the same.

Cartoon "toolkit" case

Monday, February 8, 2021

Cartoon Mixopathy - The Magical Wand

 Mixopathy is being promoted by the Government to increase the number of qualified doctors and hence to prop up its figures of Doctor Patient ratio, without much effort. In this process, there will be generation of half skilled surgeons, which is going to be detrimental to the health of general public. A take at the same.

Cartoon Mixopathy - The Magical Wand

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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Cartoon Mixopathy, the last nail

 The latest salvo of Mixopathy fired by the government is going to be one of the biggest setbacks as far as the standard of treatment for common man is considered, who is going to be the ultimate sufferer. The effect this will have on the practitioners of Allopathy is immense. A take on the same.

Cartoon Mixopathy, the last nail

Click here to visit the library of my twenty five cartoons

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Cartoon Amit Shah, Anna Hazare and Rihanna

 Farmer's agitation asking for repeal of Farm laws has become a headache for the BJP dispensation in the Central Government. Activist Anna Hazare was persuaded to cancel his planned fast but the latest tweet by American Pop star Rihanna has created another cause of headache for the BJP. A take on the same.

Cartoon Amit Shah, Anna Hazare & Rihanna

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Cartoon Rihanna & Farmer's Protest

Popstar Rihanna tweets "Why aren't we talking about this # Farmers Protest" It is strange that a popstar from America, who has nothing to do with farming suddenly develops an affinity for Indian farmers and tries to meddle in the internal affairs of India. Where was she when the violence broke out in Capitol Hill. How many Indians, especially the farmers know who Rihanna is. A take on the same.

Cartoon Rihanna tweet & farmer's protest

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Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...