Friday, September 24, 2021

Cartoon Potholed Roads

 Potholed roads after the monsoon is too familiar a sight for every Indian. The inferior quality of material used by the contractors in making of these roads in connivance with the official machinery results in big potholes in the roads. This has been going on for ages and the general people now accept it as a way of life. A take at the same.

Cartoon Potholed Roads

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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Cartoon Navjot Singh Sidhu

 The Punjab congress has been in virtual turmoil with chief minister Capt. Amarinder Singh and PCC chief Navjot Singh Sidhu at loggerheads with each other. With Congress high command backing Navjot Singh Sidhu, the chief minister had no option but to resign. After resigning from the post, Captain has hit back at Sidhu,  reminding everyone of Sidhu's visit to Pakistan where he had embarrassed India by embracing Pakistani General Qamar Javed Bajwa. Captain says that Sidhu is too mixed up with Pakistan. A take at the same.

Cartoon Navjot Singh Sidhu

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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Cartoon Afghanistan & Pakistan economy

 With US getting out of Afghanistan and Taliban taking over and forming a government, one thing critical to running it will be financial support. With US freezing all its accounts and other countries just playing the wait and watch game, the economy is obviously in dire straits. Now the Taliban will look for legitimisation of its government and then ask for aid from international institutions like UN & IMF. Although Pakistan is happily supporting the Taliban, its own economy is in shambles and is perpetually in need of financial aid. A take at the same.

Cartoon Afghanistan Economy

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Cartoon Afghanistan Air Space

Since the ignominious departure of America from Afghanistan, Taliban is being viewed as the biggest threat to the independence of women there. First and foremost is the Taliban's imposition of compulsory wearing of Burqas by all the women folk and the restriction of their movement outdoors. The pervading fear of Taliban in Afghanistan is quite palpable. A take at the same.

Cartoon Afghan Air Space

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Cartoon US Aeroplanes In Afghanistan


US has left Afghanistan after leaving behind a substantial number of aeroplanes apart from a cache of arms and military vehicles. As per the US authorities, they have rendered all the aeroplanes, which are left behind as being unfit for use and won't be able to fly again. Indian "Jugaad" mechanics are famous for making anything on this earth work. A take at the same.                  

Cartoon Indian Jugaad mechanic

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Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...