Monday, July 26, 2021

Cartoon Ultrasound Full bladder


It is a common perception among patients especially females, that ultrasound is always done with the urinary bladder in distended state, which is usually based on their previous experiences or the experiences of their friends and relatives. This assumes an exhilarating situation, when the patients go to ultrasound centres for getting the ultrasound examinations of the parts, which do not require a distended urinary bladder. A take at the same.

Cartoon ultrasound full bladder

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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Budapest, Hungary - part 2.

(Once a year you go someplace where you have never been before"-  Dalai Lama) 


 Buda castle and Fisherman's bastion :

Belonging to the Hungarian Kings, the Buda castle is a historical castle and palace complex. Although originally built in 1265, the baroque palace seen today was built between 1749 and 1769. The palace was plundered and looted in world war II, first by Nazi troops and then by Russian troops. 

Presently the castle complex has a Budapest history museum, the biggest and most important museum of the county and Hungarian national gallery which houses the famous art works

Fisherman's Bastion, located in the Buda castle complex is one of the most important tourist attractions as the location gives a unique panoramic view of the Danube River and the city, especially the parliament. 

A church [Matthias church] and lookout terraces are located in the area. The bastion has seven towers, which represent the seven Magyar tribes who settled in 896. A horse mounted bronze statue of Stephen I of Hungary is also located in the complex.

Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest, Hungary
Fisherman's Bastion

Fisherman's Bastion, Budapest, Hungary

Fisherman's  Bastion Lookout point with Parliament in backdrop

St.Stephen Basilica :

It is the largest church in Budapest and named after the first Hungarian king St.Stephen. It houses the country's most sacred treasure - the mummified hand of St.Stephen. The hand is adorned with golden leaves and Ruby pearl bracelets. 

Built in neoclassical style, the vast church can accommodate upto 8500 people. You can go up the dome and take a breathtaking view of the Budapest from there. Organ concerts with artists playing pipe organs are held regularly in the cathedral

St.Stephen's basilica, Budapest, Hungary
                                                              St.Stephen's Basilica

 Hungarian Horse show

Hungarians are often referred to as Magyars due to old settlement of the tribes of Magyars in Hungary in the year around 896 AD. Magyar tribes originally lived in the region of now China. They being nomads travelled north first to Russia and then to Hungary, where they eventually settled. The Hungarian horse men are called "Magyar cowboys".

One of the highlights of the Hungarian tour, apart from the Danube cruise is the Hungarian Horse show.

About one hour drive from the city of Budapest, we reach a ranch. On arrival we are served a glass of wine or juice and then starts the showcasing of equestrian skills of the Magyar cowboys.

The cowboys show extraordinary equestrian skills by making their horses to sit, kneel and lie down on command. They then demonstrate their skill by standing on two horses and then driving in same position with nine horses pulling a buggy at great speed.

Three course meal is accompanied by traditional band playing Hungarian gypsy music

Hungarian Horse show, Hungary

Magyar cowboy in Horse show, Hungary

Magyar Horsemen, Hungary

Gypsy music after Horse show, Hungary

Hungarian food :

Hungary especially the region of Kalocsa is called the Paprika capital of the world. Although paprika originated in Mexico, it has now come to be associated with Hungary. The spice is made from dried chilli peppers that are ground. The spice adds colour as well a distinctive flavour to the food. 

Hungarian goulash is the famous and popular dish of Hungary which has paprika sprinkled on top.

Hungarian food is best sampled at the buffet served at the Hungarian horse show.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Cartoon holidaying in the hills

It is a matter of concern that people are indulging in revenge tourism and thronging the hill stations without following the protocol of wearing mask and social distancing. The second wave of Corona virus is still lingering and this type of behaviour can undo all that has been achieved by the strict lock downs. A take at the same.

Cartoon cooling the heels

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Friday, July 9, 2021

Cartoon 3rd Wave

 The rise in all India number of Corona cases has rattled the Indian Government, which was considering the earlier decline as the waning of 2nd wave. Videos of tourists flocking the hill stations without Covid appropriate behaviour sound warning bells that the 2nd wave itself is not going to end easily. Easing of restrictions does not mean easing of precautions. A take at the same.

Cartoon 3rd wave

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cartoon Harsh Vardhan's resignation

Health Minister Harsh Vardhan has been made to resign, presumably due to his failure in dealing with Corona pandemic, first by declaring that we are at the fag end of pandemic and then handling of the chaos during the second wave of pandemic. His presence at the launch of Coronil also raised eyebrows. A take at the same.

Cartoon Harsh Vardhan Resignation

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Cartoon Screen Watching

Working on a screen is indispensable in today's Radiology practice. Be it Ultrasound, X-Rays, CT scan or MRI scan, the screen is an integral part of Radiologist's daily life. As the kids are keen on watching their favourite cartoon shows, they will find one pretext or the other to sit glued to the TV screens, much to the annoyance of their mothers. The kids are smarter than their parents think them to be. A take at the same.

Cartoon screen watching

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Fifty Cartoon Creations

      "YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOU" Corona Pandemic produced a window of opportunity for me to experiment something differ...